Mess and clutter? Utter disorganization? What's a crafty comfort queen to do?

This blog is to be the chronicle of my attempts to learn home economics. Creative, DIY home and life management with an indie, crafty, green flair. Responsible and personally expressive "mistressing" of all that stuff that falls into the "life" category.

I'm crafting my own version of domesticity based on the indie craft and DIY movements and teachers like the writers of BUST, Pagan Kennedy, and Ariel Gore (not your grandma's housekeeping). Being house-proud has always been a struggle, but it's time to get it together. As of this moment, I embrace my domestic side, heavy on the irony of course (not your grandma's housekeeping)...and vow to change my ways and channel my inner Pagan Kennedy (the Martha for non-Marthas).

Feedback is welcome. Tips are appreciated. And if you have an uncontrollable desire to come and be my maid, the big pink door is open.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Self-Editing for English Majors

I promise I will tie this in to my blog theme, but I had to share that today I had a conversation with my boss at the IT company about expectations, since I never hear anything from "that side" of the building - I am a marketer and copywriter.  I'm a bit on the sensitive side, so I need a little pat on the back every once in a while.  Finally I asked for it.  The answer I got?  You do a great job.  I love your work.  But can you try to shorten your explanations in the future?  We don't know what you're doing half the time because when you explain it, you get so excited that you go on for a while and we glaze over.  Sorry, just being honest.  We're all super-logical over here. I don't even type like you do.  /makes clicking noises and jiggles his fingers

Ouch.  Okay, I get it.  I am a bit long-winded.  And I tend to babble when I get excited.  So I started taking a look at myself a little more harshly... 

And I realized that even my blog entries are long-winded, because of course I'm excited about the subject matter.  So from here on out, I'm going to try to be a little more short and sweet with my posts.  After this one.  Hopefully.  Bear with me as a make a concerted effort, anyway.  I was a Lit major and I have a Master's in English, so I tend to write novels out of my grocery lists.  It's just the way it is. 

I am also going to take it a step further.  I think I get mired down in detail in my home management as well.  I want to do it really well, and I get caught up in details and don't finish projects at home.  So I am going to see what I can do about getting more accomplished on the life front by being brief, looking at the big picture, and letting some things be "enough."  More on this topic in future posts.  After all, I don't want to babble on forever, now do I?

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